Ogólnopolski Kongres Farmaceutyczny – Entry form
Terms of participation
Entry form
(in operation since 07.20.2018)
Entry form
(in operation since 07.21.2018)
Single person participation
Price includes: conference partricipation in 09.27, conference materials, catering.
Price does not include accommodation.
1000 zł PLN
+ 23% VAT
1150 zł PLN
+ 23% VAT
1 person participation in case of more entries from the same company
Price includes: conference participation in 09.27, conference materials, catering.
Price does not include accommodation.
850 zł PLN
+ 23% VAT
950 zł PLN
+ 23% VAT
Press Credentialing form for journalists
Participation regulations:
- The Sole Organiser and invoicing body is Europejskie Centrum Biznesu Sp J. ul 1 Maja 13a/3, 20-410 Lublin, NIP 946-23-86-725.
- The payment should be made on account: ING Bank Śląski S.A. O/Lublin nr 29 1050 1953 1000 0022 7379 8765
- Deadline for entries sending is 26 September 2018. Please send the entry form with paying-in slip on the fax number: (081) 747 65 10
- Price of participation (chart) and the 23% VAT tax value to be seen at info above
- The price includes lectures, conference materials in print and electronic form, coffee breaks, lunch.
- Third entry from the same company participates in Congress with no payments
- Accommodation is not included in terms of participation by the organiser
- We can send you the confirmation of participation and proforma invoice on your demand after receiving the entry.
- Please make the payment within 7 days after sending the entry, but no later than the Conference begins.
- Resignation of participation should be sent by certified letter on the organiser address or by e-mail on: info@ecb.biz.pl.
- In case of your resignation to 15 June 2018 we are privileged to pass you on the cost by administrative fee which is 500 zł netto (+ 23% VAT).
- In case of your resignation to 15 June 2018 we charge the wages in 100% of the amount of entry fee.
- Participant is still obliged to payment and still ordered to pay for participation when the resignation of participation is not made within due date or by absence in the Congress.
- Not making a payment is not the same as resignation of participation.
- There is a possibility of other person from your company to participate in the Congress instead of declared one, but this fact should be reported to organiser in order to grant confirmation of change, no later than day before the event.
- The organiser reserves the right to changes in the conference programme and to cancel of the conference.
- The participants are fully responsible for all the damage made by them, especially at the conference area.
- Accorrding to the agreements made in the entry form the participant agrees to process personal data when sending the entry. Rules of processing personal date are available on the website ecb.biz.pl and in the entry form above.
- Every participant partaking in POLFARM Congress (lecturer as well as participant) after sending the entry form is obliged to give all the rights to Europejskie Centrum Biznesu. The participant also agrees to solidify, duplicate and to diffuse his or her image on the advertising and informative purpose which are made by Europejskie Centrum Biznesu and also by all of Partners, remaining bodies an institutions involved in making actual POLFARM Congress edition. Europejskie Centrum Biznesu by this means provides author’s property right to audiovisual material strengthened during the Congress and also has right to make use of and to grant a non-exclusive license. The company can transfer the rights on official partners and involved institutions while not taking responsibility for using photos by a partner in a way when personal or copyright laws of a third party would be violated.
- The Organiser reserves the right to solidify and diffuse the Congress participants and lecturers image, together with their first names, surnames and professional functions.
- The Organiser reserves the right to publish and to register the Congress programme materials and share them with third party.
- When the Conference cannot happen with any fault of the Organiser, or so called “Act of God”, then the participant is not privilleged to compensation or he or she will not get back any of the payments connected to participation in the Conference and costs of additional services commissioned for the Organiser by the participants of Conference.
- The Organiser reserves the right to replace the lecturers for reasons beyond. No right to compensation from Organiser inherits to the Participant.
- The Organiser reserves the right to make changes in Regulations. No justification is needed to these changes.
- If it cannot be regulated by the Regulations polish law applies.